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How To Care For Your Knitwear

As the temperatures drop and we cozy up in our favourite knitted garments, it's crucial to ensure that these pieces remain as snug and stylish as the day we brought them home. Knitwear, whether it's a chunky sweater or a delicate cardigan, requires a little extra TLC to maintain its shape, softness, and longevity. In this guide, step by step I'll unravel the secrets of caring for your knitwear, ensuring that your winter wardrobe staple stays in impeccable condition for seasons to come.

1. Gentle Washing

Begin with a gentle hand wash or opt for the delicate cycle on your washing machine. Use a mild detergent specifically designed for wool or delicate fabrics. Turn your knitwear inside out to minimize friction and prevent pilling. Remember, cold water is your ally to avoid shrinking or damaging delicate fibers.

2. Dry With Care

Resist the temptation to wring out excess water from your knitwear. Instead, gently press the water out or - if you want to get extra water out without damaging the shape of your knit - lay it flat on a towel, then roll it inside the towel to get more water out. This way you risk less to disfigure your garment. Afterwards, shape your item back to it's original form and lay it flat on a clean, dry towel to let it air dry. Avoid hanging knits as this can stretch them out of shape. Keep them away from direct sunlight to prevent colour fading.

3. Fold, Don’t hang

When the warmer seasons roll around, and it's time to stow away your knits, resist the urge to hang them in your closet. Knitwear can stretch under its weight. Instead, fold your garments neatly and store them in breathable garment bags. Consider adding sachets of lavender to deter moths and add a pleasant fragrance for the next season.

4. No Wrinkles?

If your knitwear does develop wrinkles, avoid ironing it directly. Steam it gently or use a pressing cloth to protect the fabric. If you don't have a steamer, hang your knitwear in the bathroom while you shower—steam from the shower will naturally release wrinkles.

5. Pilling Again...

Pilling is a common sorrow with knitwear. Combat it by using a fabric shaver or a more sustainable option - sweater stone. Gently glide these over the surface to remove any pills, taking care not to snag the fabric.

Caring for your knitwear is an investment in coziness and style. With these simple yet effective care practices, you can ensure that your favourite sweaters and cardigans remain as soft, warm, and fashionable as the day you fell in love with them. So, even if this might take an extra minute in your day, it will pay of long term, and next season you will be able to enjoy your garments again.


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